Your image of yourself will take you where you want/desire to go:
"I'm fat" - "Okay, let's stay fat" "I'm going to die early, my (fill in the blank) did" - "Okay, let's shut down this body at that same age" "I have (any illness) - "Okay, let's hold onto that illness" "I'm just getting by financially" - "Okay let's keep lack in the life" "I AM Strong" - "Okay, let's keep doing things to be strong" "I AM Thin" - "Okay, let's eat appropriate foods at appropriate times in appropriate portions" "I AM Wealthy" - "Okay, let's make wise investment choices" "I AM Living a long life" - "Okay let's attract and study the appropriate lifestyles to obtain it"
You are TAKING FULL POSSESSION OF YOUR LIFE in how you speak and image yourself.
You must destroy the image of what you used to do and say, then CREATE A NEW IMAGE of where you are going.
Gen 2:7 Do you realize that God blew HIS breath into man's (which was formed from dust of the ground) nostrils? We have the Breath of God in us! Which gave us life. God's breath is His Spirit. His Spirit is our Spirit and it is covered in this skin (temporary) so we can move on this earth. Your body is not you, your Spirit/God's Spirit is you. God's nature is in us. We just need to live like it! Man is a speaking Spirit like God.
When was the last time you spoke to HIM? Speaking words of faith brings you higher in your awareness of who you are and your power within.
Build up the image you have of yourself. Don't look at the outward person (your sense/reason), but look at the inward person (your spirit). When you live according to your spirit your image of yourself will gradually change. If you set your life based on your outward (sense/reason) actions, emotions will only lead you to what you see and no possibility of change. However, setting your life based on inward (your spirit), like we told you in yesterday's post, of creating, and guiding your thoughts with solid intentions brings life and peace. Live Inside-out!
We've shown you this image before however, take another look at who you are meant to be and speak those wonderful things over yourself. What other words can you find to edify yourself?
Act like God…. since you are created in HIS image.
What is possible for you is not based on someone else's experience. It is based on your belief. How does someone break a record? They believe they can. How does someone start an unusual business (Marco Polo, DoorDash, Uber, cell phones, etc)? They believe they can. No one has to go before them to do it. If they believe they are created to create and do the "IM"-possible thing that hasn't been done before then they move forward until it is accomplished. Follow your Holy Spirit helper/teacher/guide and respect the process. If you've never heard of the word "Holy" - it's God's pure, strong, wise, power, patient, teaching, guiding, protection Spirit. That's why it is the "Holy" Spirit. Not a spirit guide. But the ACTUAL Spirit of GOD. And you've got that in you to do what hasn't been done and make it possible. Just Believe. Mark 9:23
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"Okay, so where do I start?" - Prayer and meditation. Find and follow examples of those who know (like us) . Study your creator to know your Father/Infinite Power. We desire a good father. HE is a Great Father! Then you will realize how great you are because HE made you in HIS image. Prayer and meditation renews your mind. It destroys the old image and replaces it with "I'M"-possible.
When thoughts that don't serve you in a positive, enriching & uplifting way come into your mind, replace them with thoughts that God, your creator, has told you about your situation, life expectations, personal character and direction.
You have the same power to create with words your world.
You are what the world is desperate for.
There are too many sad, angry, fearful, wicked speakers of words, creating a world that has the appearance of despair. However, when you start using your words of power, love and a sound mind with joy, peace, faith and authority, you tear down all strongholds of non-productive energy. As we've said before "Watch your world change". You can move mountains!
You are created to be an imitator of your creator. Not fretting, nervous, scared, unsure, lack confidence, doubtful, or low self-esteem. NO! How do you truly envision your creator to be and function? That's how you should be. "Oh but how can I do that with what my life is like?"
Change your thoughts, expectations, processes, words, actions and intentions and your image of yourself will change. Start today and watch the change. Be a copycat!
Remember we are to live as God created us to live. Once we take hold of that truth we will act like God jr. Our words that exit our mouths will accomplish exactly what we intend them to be. It will not be a disappointment. Your words will prosper when you send them. So speak what you truly desire for you and others.
Tell us if you've seen this happen for you or others?
Isaiah 55:8,9 We are meant to be on the same level as our creator. When we encounter those who understand and live this truth, we are in awe and wonderment. We should be a reflection, duplication, and mirror of God. We see how mankind settles for lack and despair. Don't be that form of mankind but be transformed by renewing your mind, thoughts and intentions to bring you up to a higher plane of living.
Who do you think of when you look at them in awe and wonderment of their accomplishments?
Fruit is the outward manifestation of the words in your heart and subconscious mind. What fruit do you resemble? How many seeds from your fruit are you planting in someone else?