Okay this seems random but it's not…. Food is a fantastic point of connection! Look at how many foodie shows there are and how many people watch them. Soooo…
What is your favorite food and why? What do you think it tells you about yourself?
Can you share a picture of it with us?
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-Kori StevenandKori.com
#Whatareyoueating #Whatisnutritious #Nourishingforyourbodyandsoul #Foodtalkstous #Whatisyourplatesaying #Yummy #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts
4th Dimensional Living in a 3 Dimensional World
What does this mean to you?
give us all your thoughts….
Take our Personal Success Survey to get your score!https://stevenandkori.com/claim-now/
-Kori StevenandKori.com
#Liveinthe4thdimension #Speak4thdimensional #Seethrough4thdimensionallens #Winin3dimensionalworld #Openthe4thdemension #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts
Sunrise or Sunset?
Tell us which you choose! Be sure to like and subscribe!
Take our Personal Success Survey to get your score!https://stevenandkori.com/claim-now/
-Kori StevenandKori.com
#sunrise #sunset #questionoftheday #root #april #rootstofruit #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts
Please fill in the blank:
"I'm my best self when I am ____________________."
How does that make you feel? Be sure to like and subscribe!
Take our Personal Success Survey too get your score!https://stevenandkori.com/claim-now/
-Kori StevenandKori.com
#bestself #questionoftheday #root #april #rootstofruit #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts
Do You Get a Good Night's Sleep?
How many hours do you call a GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP? 6-7-8-9?
The best way to cultivate your seeds is with a good night's sleep your subconscious will do the work that you planted the night before.
Tell us what you chose! Be sure to like and subscribe!
Take our Personal Success Survey too get your score! https://stevenandkori.com/claim-now/
-Kori StevenandKori.com
#sleep #greatsleep #april #rootstofruit #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts
Which Location Would You Choose to Meditate?
Which location would you choose to meditate? (Sunny Beach, Autumn Forest, Grand Canyon, Tropical Jungle)
As I shared before "Everything is working on your behalf" (good or bad). So why not start your day or end it with the most delightful place to meditate. You will be planting seeds of Positive Energy. Be aware of your seeds growing throughout your day!
Share this fun challenge with your friends! Be sure to like and subscribe!
Take our Personal Success Survey too get your score!https://stevenandkori.com/claim-now/
#meditate #locationlocationlocation #april1st #rootstofruit #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts