Have you ever noticed when you focus on something or some situation and speak to yourself (give content) about it you can either change your perception to better or worsen the thing? You go out for a walk and within 10 minutes it starts raining…what do you tell yourself? "Oh boy now I'm stuck out here and I'm going to get wet and feel all uncomfortable until I can make it back home" "Dang! I was really looking forward to a walk and now it's over" OR "This is perfect I won't have to worry about sweating and overheating I'm getting a cool down while I walk" "Thank goodness for this rain, it was dry for too long, now all the flowers and trees will bloom and blossom" "I appreciate the change of seasons, it reminds me how much I change" "I like the feel of fresh water over my arms as I walk" "I hope I get to see a rainbow!"
Your Content is creating your Culture (inner belief)…. especially when you put words to thoughts.
So what would you say if it started raining on a long walk?
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#Rainisbeautiful #Shiftyourthinking #Imagineonlygoodforyou #Focusonwhatisgood #Changeyourperception #Perceptionisreality #Enjoythefeelingsofweather #Seasonschangesoshouldwe #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success #discovermygifts