Have you ever pondered the thought of working with your spouse in a business together? Could you do it? Would you do it? If your answer is Yes or No – Why do you feel that way?
We have worked together in our various businesses since 2005. The benefits are innumerable for any husband and wife team who can work closely together and share a passion for their business. In addition to having the opportunity to spend more time together, you also tend to enjoy peace and harmony in your personal lives as well.
Working together will expose and MAGNIFY both positive and not so positive issues in your marriage. These issues are all most likely unseen otherwise. If you are thinking about working together with your spouse simply make a commitment to grow yourself personally. Also, you’ll want to make another commitment with your spouse that you BOTH will get things ” together” TOGETHER. This commitment needs to be a bi-lateral agreement, not one-sided or uni-lateral ….that will never work. If you each commit to excellence you’ll enjoy working together. Wishing you continued success in your life and marriage!
In future posts about this subject, we will share with you our victories and challenges as we’ve learned to work together successfully.