Food for Thought!

Food for Thought! Are you aware that the foods you ingest can support the moods you experience? In the past we have touched on the mental nutrition of food. Think about not only why you're eating but what you're eating and when you're eating it. Also the energy of thought and mood behind the food. […]

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"With mindfulness, we feel emotion more fully"

We remind ourselves of this quote frequently: "With mindfulness, we feel emotion more fully, but we have the skills to relate and engage so we are not held captive-we can get close to emotions and watch them transform." Wisdom from Tara Healey In our previous post we spoke about managing your emotions and your moods […]

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Moods vs Emotions

Now that we have finished speaking about our 5 senses and how they can help us live a healthy, productive, peaceful, & joyful life. Let's move on to your emotions and your moods which correlate with those senses. Keep in mind, you are not your mood. You can have complete control over your emotions. Are […]

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Did You FEEL That?

The sense of touch brings us to the most intimate of senses. Touch creates a bonding like no other. There is a reason why a midwife brings a newborn baby to the chest & breast of the mother. Skin to skin touch affects the sense of smell, sound & sight. Walk barefoot through grass, sand, […]

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Savor the Moment

We touched on growing your own food to bring your emotions inline with your sense of taste. Here is a practice that helps our clients heal their emotional taste sensor: place and tend to potted herbs such as Basil, Oregano, Lemon Balm, peppermint etc. Each time you tend to your plants smell them, touch them […]

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Your Sense of Taste

Your sense of TASTE is the 4th in the continuation of the "Use Your Common Sense" topic we began with last month. "I Feel like eating something" We have all heard this before… Food is a source of emotional comfort. This is why we must take great care in what we put in our mouth. […]

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Joyful vs Harsh Memories Through SMELL

Joyful vs Harsh memories through SMELL We naturally create memories from our life experiences. Embedded in those memories we collect senses. One of the collected senses can be SMELL. Is it joyful & pleasant or harsh & harmful? Take our 2-Min Life Assessment to get your score! #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst […]

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Can You Smell That?

It may not be the strongest sense, however the impact it has on our emotions is powerful. Why do you think so many people purchase incense, essential oils, candles, and air fresheners? The plethora of scents that are available tells you how powerful SMELL is in our lives. Ironically the smells from nature are the […]

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Develop Your Mind Soil

You germinate your words with gentle feelings to develop your "mind soil" for a nourishing garden. How do you do this? Take our 2-Min Life Assessment to get your score! #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts #motivation #happiness #goals #discoverme #powerwithin #mindful #success […]

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SOUNDS that Create Images in Our Mind

SOUNDS that create images in our mind. Humans tend to be prompted by sounds. If you don't believe us turn the volume off on a scary movie and see how you react. Change the music to a happy sound while watching a haunted house video. Understand that sounds (shouting, laughing, whispering, crying) dictate emotions. A […]

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