Sweet or Bitter, Your Choice

Try these two experiences: Hold a sugar cube in your mouth. Everything you eat will have that sugar taste added through it. Same goes with your thoughts whatever your base thought is, everything will filter through that is sweet. Pleasing your mind and future. Does it serve you and your community? Now hold a piece […]

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Only What You Manifest...

The Power of Your Tongue Creates a New Year, a New Future! Make this your new Acronym;OWYM-Only What You Manifest… Daily think, and speak, only what you desire to pull towards you and you towards it. You are a magnet that attracts what you focus on. Celebrate as your manifestations reveal themselves. The power of […]

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A Merry Heart...

(Just a quick note with image for today's post) LAUGH TODAY!!! Find something to laugh about today"A merry heart does good like a medicine!" Take our Personal Success Survey to get your score!https://stevenandkori.com/claim-now/ -KoriStevenandKori.com #MedicateWithLaughter #MerryHeart #PlayInTheWater #SplashAndLaugh #stevenandkori #reclaimyourpowerwthin #follow #followus #thepurposecouple #personalcoach #youfirst #myinfinitepower #myjoy #mybliss #mygifts #mytalents #harmonyinmyhome #loveconquersall #lovemyself #forgiveness #makemoneywithmygifts […]

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Childlike Thankfulness

"Childlike Thankfulness" Since this is the month of Thanksgiving (in the United States) where we live. We decided to share with you an article that simply states "Things Children Will Be Truly Grateful For". This article states as children grow up they specifically look back at what they are most thankful for in their growth […]

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Nature Child

"Nature-Child" Go explore! Children run through the woods, pick up sticks, catch fireflies, hold inch worms, try to catch a turtle, lay in the grass, create angels in the snow, jump in a pile of leaves, build sandcastles. Oh my goodness, does it sound like your childhood? Let's get back to that. Nature-Children are happy, […]

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Inquisitive as a Child

Something interesting… When adults are as inquisitive as children we call them "noisy". "Oh Johnny don't be noisy" "Jenny stop asking questions". However I have met a few people who KNOW how to be inquisitive. What I mean by that is to innocently ask questions about the other person with true attentiveness. That's what children […]

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Kids Day Out

When our kids were little it was called "Mother's Day Out" but times have changed and it seems Kids need a day out. Technically it's only 4 hours but it feels like a day because it is soooo needed. What does that look like? Well it's the other side of Mother's Day Out. While the […]

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Childlike Faith

"Childlike Faith" We see a child's faith in them every day. When they trust you it's deeply. When they follow you it's to the end. When they speak to you it's unhindered. When they watch you it's intense. Because they are building their faith in you or something else. Their faith is unwavering. We should […]

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Childlike Acceptance

"Childlike acceptance" Suppose you see someone at a party or social event and they look lonely or out of their comfort zone, arms folded across their body, looking around for something of interest, standing off alone--you get the idea. Would you go up to them and start a conversation? Would you introduce yourself If you […]

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Kid's in a Kitchen

"Kid's in a Kitchen" Let's imagine a child in the kitchen. Let's try a little bit of this and a little bit of that. If we mix this, let's taste it and see what it tastes like. If I don't like it, that's okay I'll throw it out and start again or add some more […]

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